Will losing weight reduce my snoring?

In response to a question on healthshare.com.au

Snoring doesn't go away completely with weight loss. However, sleep apnoea can improve significantly with weight loss, and sleep apnoea is one of the medical conditions associated with snoring.

What can I eat other than food substitute shakes for weight loss?

In response to a question on healthshare.com.au

If you are 60kg overweight, with limitations on your activities, weight loss can be a significant challenge. In particular, portion and calorie control can induce hunger, particularly in the first three weeks or so, and this can make it very difficult to stick with a calorie-restricted eating plan. In addition, remember that the healthy eating guidelines we use are designed for maintaining an overall active, healthy lifestyle - if you are starting from a different health position, and especially if you can't exercise, it can be difficult to lose weight with a “normal” diet. Read More...